Google Ad Grant Management That Grows Nonprofits

Do you manage a nonprofit organization but want to make the most of your digital marketing initiatives?

Do you want your nonprofit organization to scale revenue & impact?

Well, it’s time to amplify and accelerate your nonprofit’s profit. Yes, it’s possible.

Are you thinking about how this can be possible when you are short on funds? 

Google can be your savior. Yes, thankfully, Google offers a program that allows nonprofit organizations, just like yours, to advertise and promote their organization using Google Ads free of advertising costs.

What is a Google Ad Grant?

A Google Ad Grant is a program for nonprofits run by Google. It offers eligible nonprofits with $10,000 per month that they can spend on Google Ads.

This unique search engine advertising program features your organization when people search for keywords associated with the ad, and searchers will see that ad copy at the top of the Google search results. Well, it’s easy to set up a Google Grant account, but to make it a successful venture; you might need some serious Google Grant Management strategies up your sleeves.

Did you know you could lose your Google Ad Grant if it fails to hit certain metrics?

Seems hard? Here enters our skillful team. We will take and help you through the whole process so that you can focus on just helping the world.

Simply put, with the right and innovative approach, your Google Ad Grant account can help you bring more traffic to your site, and increase visibility for your worthy cause. It can attract more volunteers and donations than ever before.

And, who wouldn’t want this?

Don’t have a Google grant yet? Don’t worry; Prime Marketing Experts can help you out!

We can help you create ad campaigns for every one of your programs, services, or areas of focus. By selecting the right keywords for every campaign, we write tempting ads to appear in search results. Along with this, we ceaselessly test various campaigns to improve performance. We will also get your nonprofit organization approved as a part of our service.

Just enlighten us on your goals and objectives, and leave it to the EXPERTS! We make Google Ad Grant Management simple. 

What is Google Grant Management?

Google Grant management includes everything that your nonprofit organization needs to improve your search engine presence.

What is included in Google Grant Management? Here is the list!

  • Applying for a Google Grant
  • Setting up your Google Grant account
  • Selecting the relevant keywords for your campaign
  • Creating engaging ad copy that is optimized for a high quality score
  • Monitoring the performance of your ads
  • Maintain the Google Grant account

Hire Prime Marketing Experts for Effective Google Grant Management

We know organizations that are dealing with some of the toughest challenges in a revolutionary way. We, at Prime Marketing Experts, help game-changing nonprofits like yours, accelerate lead acquisition, increase brand awareness, generate more revenue, and scale social impact. All in all, we want to support organizations that are changing the world for good.

We can provide solutions that help you maximize results at every point in the journey of your volunteers, staff, and donors be it Google Ad Grants, email marketing, or social media advertising. Our team uses cutting edge and result-driven strategies to help nonprofits maximize their impact.

We strive to help as many nonprofit organizations as we can by maximizing the value of your Google Ad Grant.

You are doing the GOOD work, and we want to be a part of it!

Google Ad Grants can be a powerful tool for your marketing and fundraising strategy! Make the most of it with us!

Qualify For Google Ad Grants With Us!

If you want to qualify for a Google Ad Grant, your nonprofit organization must fulfill the following guidelines set forth by Google:

  1. Your nonprofit organization must hold a valid 501c3 charity status.
  2. You must acknowledge and be in agreement with the necessary certifications concerning nondiscrimination and donation receipt and use of Google.
  3. You must have a high-quality and engaging website that meets the Google Ad Grant website policy.
  4. You must gain approval through the process of Ad Grants pre-qualification after you have enrolled in Google for Nonprofits.

We, at Prime Marketing Experts, will assist your organization in applying for a Google Ad Grant so you won’t get rejected by Google based on some random technicality.

Why Prime Marketing Experts?

  • Google Certified

Need we say more? Yes, we are Google certified, and we can offer the best and help your nonprofit organization keep up with the good work.

  • Full Flexibility 

We have various plans for you, specially tailored according to your needs so that you can stay agile and flexible.

  • Weekly Optimized Campaigns

We make sure to optimize each Google Ads account at least weekly. We will give your attention they demand and help you stay on top.

  • We Have Dedicated Customer Support 

With us, you have easy access to your personal Grant Manager via email round the clock. Also, we make regular check-in calls and keep you in loops regarding the progress of your campaigns.

  • We Can Create Unlimited Campaigns 

With Prime Marketing Experts, you don’t have to worry about the number of your campaigns. If you need, we will create unlimited ad groups and campaigns to help you reach the maximum audience.

  • We Develop Compelling Ads

Yes, we can create engaging ads for your organization to get you the highest possible CTR (Click through rate) and bring traffic to your landing pages.

  • We Create Amazing Landing Pages 

Is your landing page not enough? Is it not getting the desired clicks? Well, leave it to us, and we will help you create a click-worthy landing page that can abet you get the most out of your campaign potential.

  • We Assess The Performance Of Your Google Grant Campaign

We track your account’s success by measuring a number of metrics. We will measure your campaign’s performance and improve your strategy to get the best results.

Our KPIs Measure The Performance Of Your Google Ad Grant

  • CTR: It’s unmistakably imperative to know how many people are really clicking on your ads. Assessing your CTR (Click-Through-Rate) can help you figure out which of your keywords and ads are generally relevant to your audience and prompt them to click on it. We also use CTR to see which ad copy drives the most outcomes.
  • Keyword Quality Score: You can determine the quality of your keywords using Google’s quality score of 1 to 10. If your keywords are not ranking above 4, you must change your keywords or find a great strategy to optimize them.
  • Impressions: On the off chance that your keywords are excessively explicit, you risk passing up search traffic. So, you should analyze your keywords to see which ones have the lowest number of impressions and decide whether there are more extensive keywords varieties that may attract more eyes.
  • Conversions: We measure the number of people who have made a phone call or submitted a form to meet a key requirement to maintain the account, and to measure the amount of revenue or impact the campaign makes on your organization.

It seems complicated. That is why; we are here. We can do this for you by using various relevant keyword tools to find more popular keywords for your nonprofit organization.

Still perplexed about whether you are eligible for the Google Ad Grants program? Don’t worry, give us a call, and we will answer all your questions that you might have regarding this amazing program.

Grow Your Nonprofit Today!

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